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Raymond's Pod-Casting Call: A Musician's Change of Tune - Experienced Entrepreneur 3 of 3

Imagine going from a professional musician to starting a podcast agency during the pandemic! That's exactly what our guest, Raymond did. Listen as Raymond takes us through his journey of transition, overcoming significant debt, and finding success in the podcast industry. He shares his learnings from starting out, like the hilarious email mishap that taught him the importance of proofreading, and how he had to reinvent his pricing model to thrive in a competitive market. 

Raymond also delves into the small world of the South African music industry and the thrill of finding the right business partner. Plus, you won’t want to miss his ambitious business goals for the next six months, including plans to expand his free course helping entrepreneurs secure podcast guest spots. So, tune in for a riveting conversation and walk away with inspiration and tangible takeaways for your own entrepreneurial journey! And, remember to check him out on Instagram and his website, podcastconnection.org.

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Thank you for being a Skoobeliever!! If you have questions about the show or you want to be a guest please contact me at one of these social medias
Twitter......... ..@djskoob2021 (https://twitter.com/DJskoob2021)
Facebook.........Facebook.com/skoobami (https://www.facebook.com/SkoobAmI/)
Instagram..... instagram.com/uepodcast2021 (https://www.instagram.com/uepodcast2021/)
tiktok....... @djskoob2021
Email............... Uepodcast2021@gmail.com

If you would like to be coached on your entrepreneurial adventure please email me at for a 2 hour free discovery call! This is a $700 free gift to my Skoobelievers!! Contact me Now!!

On Twitter @doittodaycoach (https://twitter.com/home)
