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Redefining Business Strategies: Erica's Roadmap for Modern Entrepreneurs

What happens when an entrepreneur with 23 years of experience meets the pandemic? For our guest, Erica, the founder of Stella Business Concepts, it means shaping a coaching and consulting venture that supports budding entrepreneurs navigate challenging times. Erica’s insights reveal how the pandemic has revolutionized business operations and how the market has the potential to define your business identity.

But what about age? Does it play a significant role in achieving success? That’s what we explore with Erica in this episode, as we dig into the inspiring success stories of young entrepreneurs. We also unravel Erica's own challenges when starting her business, including the mindset shift she had to undergo to recognize the value of her offerings. Alongside this, we delve into the significance of mentors and mentorship, and how the right circle can fuel your motivation and dreams to unimaginable heights.

Last, but certainly not least, we talk about the adventurous side of entrepreneurship, featuring calculated risk-taking, diligent research, and continuous learning. Erica’s transition from karaoke to podcasting throws light on her perseverance and research, and how that led to her podcast's success. Tune in as she shares her ambitious goal of stepping onto as many big stages as possible through public speaking and offers up her services to those seeking her expertise. Get ready for an empowering journey of overcoming hurdles, taking calculated risks, and understanding your craft irrespective of age.