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Undiscovered Entrepreneur Get Across The Start Line Live Stream pt. 1

Overcoming Fear and Perfection: Key Steps for New Entrepreneurs

In this live session, DJ Skoob shares key insights on how fear and the drive for perfection often hold budding business-people back from taking their first steps as entrepreneurs. He explains these concepts by drawing an analogy with runners in a race, each facing different challenges preventing them from crossing the start line. He then offers solutions and shares his personal journey towards embracing imperfections and overcoming fear. The video is a prelude to DJ Skoob's upcoming book, 'Getting Across the Start Line', and provides viewers the opportunity to contribute their stories and potentially get featured in it.


The next live stream to talk about the last 2 runners will be on February 13 at 4pm central. Make sure to set the reminder now!!

00:00 Introduction and Welcome
00:26 Ground Rules for the Live Stream
00:56 The Entrepreneur Olympics: A Story
03:18 Runner One: The Fearful Entrepreneur
03:53 Runner Two: The Perfectionist Entrepreneur
04:38 Runner Three: The Doubtful Entrepreneur
05:30 Runner Four: The Overzealous Entrepreneur
06:24 Runner Five: The Thoughtful Entrepreneur
08:00 Analyzing the Runners: Fear and Perfection
16:30 Invitation to Follow the Book Writing Journey
18:43 Conclusion and Farewell